Software codec famous for playing movies and audio files, you carried the film is from the Internet or programs, share files and came up to you the voice and the image of a black a lot of movies now online differed encrypted and every film has a special code for the operation thereof, and of course the audio files the same task, this program is terrible The one-month programs in the field of collecting code programs a single file and the program contains an enormous collection of BB programs would not expect there within the program Media Player Classic to play all formats RealPlayer features Bbstath and strength and has a lot of features brilliant actually this program is very important in the computer and a lot of video programs.
The K-Lite Mega Codec Pack is a collection of codecs and related tools. Codec is short for Compressor-Decompressor.Codecs are needed for encoding and decoding (playing) audio and video. The K-Lite Codec Pack is designed as a user-friendly solution for playing all your movie files. With the K-Lite Codec Pack you should be able to play all the popular movie formats and even some rare formats. The 64-bit pack is a bundle of 64-bit DirectShow filters that can be used together with 64-bit players, such as Windows Media Center. This pack can co-exist without problems with the regular (32-bit) K-Lite Codec Packs.